No posts for a long time. Why the silence? Accelerationism and the new planet-wide Easter Island. We were chatting. Chatting just fuels the engine of acceleration. Hence, the inclination to stop.

Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion boldly states that faith is evil (p347). It is evil because it “actively debauches the scientific enterprise” (p321). If debauching cultural enterprises is a criterion of evil, we want to argue that there is …

Fromm describes very nicely how the modern understanding of emancipation as the most uninhibited satisfaction of desire ends up supporting the regime it was supposed to challenge. He makes the point in a critique of the popular reading of Freud, …

Sir Ken Robinson has something of the Luddite* about him. He refuses the industrial order, which the Luddites also refused back at the beginning of the 19th century, when they declared it to be a new form of tyranny. He …

With all due respect to Hawking, we disagree. The greatest enemy of knowledge is neither ignorance nor the illusion of knowledge, but indifference. It is not irrelevant that people are circulating his quotation with a picture of his penetrating gaze …