Why the Silence?
No posts for a long time. Why the silence?
Accelerationism and the new planet-wide Easter Island.
We were chatting.
Chatting just fuels the engine of acceleration.
Hence, the inclination to stop.

No posts for a long time. Why the silence?
Accelerationism and the new planet-wide Easter Island.
We were chatting.
Chatting just fuels the engine of acceleration.
Hence, the inclination to stop.
It is good not to talk all the time, but perhaps a comment once or twice a year..:-) Awaiting some words from you! Best regards, Camilla Fadum
Would be great to hear more from you!
Thank you very much, Camilla, for your kind comment. If something occurs to us that has not already been said, we will say it. But until then…
Times are a changing rapidly….
How on earth are you guys able to keep mum at a time when nearly every school, college university in USA and much of UK and Europe is having to willy nilly declare that they are now entirely or almost entirely given over to virtual/remote learning/eLearning/online learning/MOOCs what-have-you. And never mind the corporates with corporate learning and training – those that were still relying on in-person seminars and trainings are having to immediately shift to all-virtual.
What is astonishing is we all know that very few of these institutions are AT ALL equipped to do this online transition even badly, let alone do it well.
What is more astonishing – I see nearly zero job ads for learning technologists or adult learning experts or online learning experts, and I know a couple who are highly experienced and credentialed in just this field, educational technology, pedagogy, adult learning, childhood learning etc, and neither of them have work right now. They are astonished that the institutions don’t seem to be hiring ANYONE who actually knows how to even begin to do this well. The institutions seem to be just relying on Zoom and ordering teachers to conduct their classes via teleconferencing platforms (all of which are mainly designed for brief corporate meetings, not for sustained educational delivery), and ordering/expecting their students/clients to show up and take it.
The result: families that never intended to do homeschooling are deciding that is what they are doing, Families that just work are uprooting themselves and moving lock and stock to rural school districts where the schools are (tentatively) saying they will open for face to face education, etc. etc. It is total chaos. And little sign that genuine expertise in online learning is being sought out. It is incredible.
This does not begin to even scratch the surface of the iceberg of issues that has slammed into the Titanic that is the lumbering educational establishment at every level in UK and USA and Europe…
So c’mon guys – whatchoo gotta say? 🙂
Well, I did post an article recently on my blog. It is even translated into English. http://ckfadum.blogspot.com/2021/02/from-bildung-to-techno-bildung.html
Thank you for sharing that article. Interesting.
My suspicion is that the concept of Bildung matters now as a concept with which to critique contemporary education (both mainstream schooling and digitally enhanced anti-schooling) and the suicidal social order which those forms of education serve.
You nicely highlight the dilemma for the Bildung-inspired pedagogue: The concept insists that perfect unity is the goal, but the only way of remaining true to the concept under the present circumstances is to dis-unite the individual from the untrue social order.